Use about a handfull of dye materials of your choice. Cover dye materials with water in a pan. Bring to boil and then let simmer for 15 minutes to up to an hour. Remove from heat and strain the liquid. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons of white vinegar for each cup of liquid. Let the eggs soak. The longer the eggs soak, the deeper the color. Try overnight soaking in the fridge for even darker colors. In the morning, you'll have a colorful breakfast.
Color | Items To Dye With |
Blue | Canned Blueberries Red Cabbage Leaves (boiled) Purple Grape Juice |
Brown or Beige | Strong Coffee Instant Coffee Black Walnut Shells (boiled) Black Tea |
Brown Gold | Dill Seeds |
Brown Orange | Chili Powder |
Gold | Turmeric |
Green | Spinach Leaves (boiled) Liquid Chlorophyll |
Greenish Yellow | Yellow Delicious Apple Peels (boiled) |
Grey | Purple or red grape juice or beet juice |
Lavender | Small Quantity of Purple Grape Juice Violet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon Juice Red Zinger Tea |
Orange | Yellow Onion Skins (boiled) Carrots Paprika |
Pink | Beets Cranberries or Juice Raspberries Red Grape Juice Juice from Pickled Beets |
Red | Pomegranate juice Canned Cherries (with syrup) Raspberries Cranberries Lots of Red Onions Skins (boiled) |
Violet or Purple | Violet Blossoms Hibiscus tea Small Quantity of Red Onions Skins (boiled) Red Wine |
Yellow | Orange or Lemon Peels (boiled) Carrot Tops (boiled) Chamomile Tea Celery Seed (boiled) Green tea Ground Cumin (boiled) Ground Turmeric (boiled) or Saffron |