Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome Fall

Bean flower

Friday was the official start of Fall.  We are still quite busy at the garden.  The beans, tomatoes and peppers continue to grow and produce fruit because of regular harvesting.  


Heirloom Tomato

Delicata squash

Cherry Tomatoes
Winterbor Kale

Kale planted in August is yielding  a good crop. The carrots are just about ready to be yanked out of the ground.  The pumpkins are still producing.  We have harvested several growing outside the fence and the bigger varieties are ripening.  Winter squashes, which store quite well for months, will be making their appearance at pantry soon.  

This morning we found out who has been stealing the sunflower seeds...the crazy squirrels that like to perform back flips off of the walnut trees.

Garden Spider update: We have not seen the garden spider, which we named Aura, from the latin name Argiope aurantia, in a few weeks.   
Pumpkin ripening

Monday, September 19, 2011

Kale, cabbage and collards oh my!

Kale, cabbage and collards (cool weather crops) were planted this evening in two of the new four contour in-ground raised beds located at the front entrance.  Check out the new garden arbor, installed by volunteer George with the help of NHCO's Healthy Futures Americorps VISTA Dave.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Life

We are collecting bean pods that have past their prime for eating for seed collection.  This bean, third from top, wanted to get an early start.  We found it on the ground and because of the recent rain, was starting to grow.   

Mother nature's desire to bring new life and continue life is astounding even in the mist of devestation.  Please click on the link below to learn of the "Survivor Tree" now growing again at ground zero.