Friday, August 26, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tomatoes Take Over!

The tomatoes at the garden are taking over the world. Each tomato plant is about six feet tall and six feet wide. Trying to navigate through the plants has become nearly impossible. It's a jungle out there!

Grow Pittsburgh's Bed of the Month - August

Our Pumpkin Patch is the Bed of the Month for August!!!

Pumpkin seedlings emerging 5/24/2011, just 10 days after planting seeds

Pumpkin flowers 6/28/2011

Three varieties of pumpkins are now being harvested and they are even growing on the outside of the fence!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

On the web

We have lots of wildlife at the garden, some that visit, some unwanted and some that make the garden their home. 

There's a family of turkeys, mama and 7 babies that walk around the outside of the garden catching bugs for breakfast in the mornings.  Pesky groundhogs live next door to the garden.  Thankfully the chickenwire attached to our fence have kept them out.  No lettuce and beans for them anymore. 
We spotted this gal on the 8th.  She's a Black and Yellow Garden spider, just in time for Steeler season.  They are also called writing spiders, because of their unique zig zag design on their webs.  A good mascot for the blog. She spun her web in between a row of tomatoes.  Spiders are often beneficial to gardens, catching bugs like aphids or whiteflies.  This kind of spider is not aggressive or poisonous, so we try not to disturb her when picking the tomatoes.  Now all she needs is a name.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Terrie and Tomatoes

Terrie Amelio, who donated the land where a garden now grows again, helped us harvest for pantry this morning.  She was often given the chore of selling the produce grown in her mother's garden.
We picked enough cherry tomatoes to fill several baskets, including a basket that belonged to Terrie’s mother.